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Stadler wins 60-locomotive order from VR Group

Posted on 20 May 2019. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 2563 times.
Stadler wins 60-locomotive order from VR GroupFinland’s VR Group has signed a contract that will see the Swiss train manufacturer Stadler supply 60 new diesel-electric locomotives; these will improve operational efficiency in marshalling yards, in freight terminals and on non-electrified railway lines, which make up 45% of the Finnish rail network.

The contract — worth about 200 million euros — includes an option for up to 100 additional locomotives, as well as the possibility to buy locomotive maintenance from Stadler (www.stadlerrail.com.

The new central-cab locos can be used for shunting, as well as for hauling freight and passenger trains in ‘single and multiple traction’ (up to three locomotives).

According to the contract, the first five locos are expected to enter service in 2022, with the remainder delivered by the end of 2025.

These new locos out-perform the old diesel types they will replace in terms of emissions, energy efficiency, safety and reliability.

They are fitted with radio control equipment and ETCS (European train control system) Baseline 3, with the local STM ATP safety system and the latest generation of vehicle control system (including remote diagnosis features).

Furthermore, the AC traction system (with one inverter per axle) provides optimum adhesion performance. The new locos have a maximum starting tractive rating of 346kN and a top speed of 120kph; they can haul a 2,000-tonne train.

Stadler has considerable experience of customising locomotives for the demanding climatic conditions in Finland.

These latest ones will be manufactured to withstand the effects of snow and ice and to operate at temperatures as low as -40°C.

Iñigo Parra, CEO of Stadler Valencia, said: “We are proud of having been selected by VR Group to supply these new multi-purpose diesel locomotives for Finland.

This strengthens our position in the shunting segment — a market niche that is expected to grow considerably in Europe in the coming years.”

Founded in 1942, the international rail vehicle construction company Stadler has its headquarters in Bussnang (in eastern Switzerland) and a work-force of over 8,500, based in various production and service locations.