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Addressing the 'energy trilemma'

Posted on 05 Mar 2016. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 8433 times.
Addressing the 'energy trilemma'Innovative businesses addressing the challenge of generating clean and affordable energy were showcased at the Cleantech Innovate 2016 event at the Royal Institution last month.

The event, which was sponsored by Innovate UK, saw selected companies pitch to potential investors for funds to support their projects.

Among the Innovate UK-funded businesses selected to pitch to investors were ACT Blade Ltd, which is developing a next-generation wind-turbine blade, and WITT, which is working on a scaleable energy harvester that converts motion on land, sea and air into electricity.

All businesses exhibiting at the event won funding in round 1 of the Energy Catalyst, a programme set up by Innovate UK, the Department of Energy & Climate Change, and the Department for International Development to support projects that address the so-called ‘energy trilemma’ of providing energy that is affordable, resilient and clean.